Saturday, May 14, 2016


We were asked to make a reaction paper about this documentary and to be honest I cried because of anger, sadness and happiness at the same time.
Anger because I can't believe people really had the nerve to hurt or harm such beautiful creatures to the point where they became extinct or endangered,
Sad because it almost seemed hopeless for these creatures and for us, humans.
And happy because at the end of the documentary, I realized that there are people who really commit and sacrifice their lives and careers for the environment, for nature, for animals and for humankind. I realized that there is more to be done, that there is still a tiny glimpse of hope in this sea of despair.

The message that this documentary wants to impart is hope. True that we live in the age where everything is coming to an end and the sad part is, it is all because of us, humankind. We fail to take care of the gifts that has been given to us. We destroy everything instead of nurturing it. Animals went extinct, oceans gone to waste, and most of us just goes "Hey, there's nothing we can do about it".
Nature is beautiful and most of us failed to see that. This documentary makes us see things in a whole different level and through a different perspective. We can make a change, I know we can. Let us start a little thing because one little thing can make a difference, like from the Japanese proverb, "It is better to light just one little candle than to curse the darkness."

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